2024 – TC Inclusion of Youth Work on the Social Integration of Refugees
About the Project
The training course will take place from 25 February- 4 March 2024 in Eskisehir, Turkey by bringing together 37 participants from the Türkiye, Hungary, Romania, Slovenia, Portugal, Netherlands, Italy, Serbia, Czechia.
As a reaction to the recent migration crisis partners decided to make a training course with the aim to empower youth workers to use intercultural dialogue as a tool in combating intolerance towards migrants, fostering mutual understanding, and creating better integration mechanisms in shaping a more inclusive Europe.
Aim and Objectives
1. To provide conceptual framework on main notions, such refugee, migrant, asylum seeker, immigration, integration, interculturalism and multiculturalism;
2. To reflect on emigration and immigration situation in participating countries and find out the reasons of migration, namely push and pull factors;
3. To discuss and analyze the current migration challenges in Europe and try to offer solutions from the perspective of youth work;
4. To foster tolerance, respect and open-mindedness towards migrants while working with young people;
5. To share experiences and best practices of integration mechanisms;
6. To work on follow-up projects addressing the issues related to the topic and develop future cooperation.
Workshops & Activities
Various non-formal education methodology-based activities will be carried out during the whole duration of the project. Participants will improve their analytical and problem-solving skills, try to critically observe the current migration crisis, and develop their creativity in elaborating practical integration tools for the inclusion of young immigrants.
Specifically, the aforementioned NFE methods will be applied in the program, namely getting to know each other and team building activities, city game, theory-oriented sessions, brainstorming, world cafe, role plays, forum theatre, simulation game, small group discussions, Open Space Technology, study visit and reflection activities.
In order to get a general understanding of the topic, the participants will work in small groups and try to find the types, reasons, and impacts of migration. A simulation game will be followed for understanding the role of immigrants in our societies and how it feels to be an immigrant.
Sharing experiences and best practices will be done with the method of Open Space Technology where participants will share the tools and methods they use while working with young people with immigrant backgrounds. Based on the knowledge and shared tools, the participants will elaborate a Recommendation paper and ToolKit with the purpose to disseminate it among other youth workers and assist them in their youth work with young immigrants.
Project Details
Project Type: Training Course
TC Activity Dates: 25th of February to 4th of March 2024